Revealed: The Secret of The World’s Top 1% of ‘High Performers’

How You Can Unlock Your Breathing Superpower to Eradicate Stress, and Excel in Your Career, Business, and Life

Secure Your Discovery Call

Dear Aspiring Wellness Achiever,

In a world that moves at breakneck speed, where the pressure of daily life often leaves us gasping for air, there lies an untapped power within you – the power of your breath.

At TAKE A DEEP BREATH, I don't just believe in this power…

I live it, teach it, and witness its transformative effects. Every single day.

Now, imagine a scenario where each breath you take isn't just a mere biological function - but a gateway to unparalleled serenity and vitality.

Picture yourself waking up each morning, not with the heavy burden of stress and anxiety but with a profound sense of peace and energy that radiates through every aspect of your life.

This isn’t a fantasy. It’s a reality I've helped countless individuals achieve, and it's a journey I want to guide you on.

The concept of breathing may seem simple, perhaps even mundane, but its impact is anything but.

Breathing is the rhythm of life. And mastering it can mean the difference between merely surviving and truly thriving.

In our hyper-connected, high-stress world, the art of breathing correctly has been lost to many.  

I’ve got no doubt you’re all too familiar with common physical and emotional challenges that come as a result.

Powerful breathing is not just about filling your lungs.

It's about enriching the soul, calming the mind, and revitalising the body.

At TAKE A DEEP BREATH, I specialise in guiding driven individuals just like you to rediscover this art.

My proven approach isn’t about quick fixes or superficial techniques. It's a deep, personal exploration into the essence of wellbeing.

It’s about harnessing a power that’s been within you all along but perhaps forgotten or underutilised.

I invite you to pause, take a deep breath, and envision a life where each inhalation brings clarity, peace, and vitality.

A life where stress and anxiety don’t dictate your days, where your energy isn't sapped by the mundane but is instead replenished with each breath you take.

This isn’t just a program. It's a transformation.

A reawakening of your innate power to breathe life into every moment.

Embark on a Transformative Journey: From Shallow Breaths to Boundless Energy

In today’s fast-paced world, where every moment is filled with deadlines, decisions, and demands, it’s easy to forget the simplest yet most powerful tool we possess – our breath.

I offer more than just a program. I provide a transformational experience that will fundamentally change how you interact with life's challenges and pleasures.

And my 121 breath coaching program isn't just a service. It's a personal revolution.

Over the course of six weeks, we’ll embark on a journey.

This journey is tailored to you, meticulously crafted to meet your unique needs and challenges. 

You'll learn not only the techniques but the science and philosophy behind effective breathing, giving you a comprehensive understanding of its impact on your mental, emotional, and physical health.

Imagine a life where stress doesn’t overwhelm you, where anxiety is a fleeting visitor rather than a constant companion.

Picture a day where your energy isn't drained by mid-afternoon but is instead sustained, vibrant, and focused from dawn till dusk.

This isn't a far-off dream. It's the reality I’ll show you how to access.

My program has been meticulously designed to help you achieve this, blending ancient wisdom with modern science, personalised coaching with self-guided exploration.

Each session is an opportunity to delve deeper into the art of breathing.

You'll explore techniques that go beyond mere relaxation – techniques that empower you to control your physiological and psychological responses to stress.

You'll learn how to turn your breath into a tool for enhancing concentration, improving sleep, boosting energy, and even elevating your physical fitness.

But it's not just about the techniques. It's about transformation.

My methodology offers a holistic approach to wellbeing, where you'll discover how to integrate effective breathing into every aspect of your life, from your professional endeavours to your personal relationships.

You'll discover how to transform moments of overwhelm into opportunities for growth and how to turn everyday stressors into catalysts for calmness and clarity.

Our one-to-one sessions are supplemented with tailored exercises, continuous support, and bonus features designed to embed these skills deeply into your daily routine.

This is an investment in yourself, a commitment to a life where you're not just surviving but thriving.

A life where every breath is a step towards a more fulfilled, peaceful, and energised existence.

Step into the World of the Leading Breath Coach:

Real People, Real Transformations

In the realm of wellness and self-improvement, credibility isn’t just about what you know; it's about the impact you create.

Mike Maher stands as a testament to this truth. As the most followed breath coach on the digital platform, with over 200,000 dedicated followers on YouTube, Mike isn’t just an expert in his field, he's a transformative figure in the lives of thousands.

Imagine having access to a coach whose insights and techniques have reached and resonated with a global audience.

Mike’s channel isn’t just a collection of videos; it's a treasure trove of life-altering knowledge, a community where each subscriber has embarked on a journey of transformation. This platform has allowed Mike to touch the lives of people across continents, all united by a common quest – to reclaim the power of their breath.

Secure Your Discovery Call with Mike Maher


Trusted by leading companies

But my influence goes beyond the numbers.

Each follower, each view, represents a real person, a life touched and improved.

The stories of transformation are countless, and they are the true measure of the success of my methodology.

From professionals burdened by stress to entrepreneurs seeking clarity and focus, from individuals grappling with anxiety to those yearning for a deeper sense of peace – the results speak volumes.

Like the journey of, Emily, an entrepreneur who found a new lease on life through our work:

"Before joining Mike's breath coaching, I was on the verge of burnout. The relentless pace of my business had left me exhausted. But through Mike's guidance, I've not only learned to manage stress; I've discovered a wellspring of energy I never knew I had. The transformation has been profound – both in my personal well-being and in my business’s success."

Or John, the Senior Executive:

"The pressure of my role was affecting my health. I was sceptical at first, but Mike's program has been life-changing. His approach, grounded in deep understanding and compassion, has given me tools to navigate even the most stressful situations with ease. My productivity has soared, and so has my quality of life."

These stories are just a glimpse into the impact of my methods.

They’re real experiences from real people who have seen tangible, lasting changes in their lives.

“This isn’t just about learning to breathe; it’s about learning to live – fully, deeply, vibrantly”

With me, you’re not just gaining a coach. You’re gaining a mentor whose expertise is globally recognised and whose approach is universally effective.

My journey in helping others has been filled with profound encounters, creating a rich tapestry of knowledge and experience, which I bring to every session, and every interaction.

Embark on Your Personalised Breath Journey:
Secure Your Discovery Call Today

Now is the moment to turn your aspirations into action.

If the stories of transformation resonate with you, if the idea of breathing your way to a more serene and energetic life excites you, then the next step is clear.

It’s time to explore how our bespoke breath coaching program can be tailored to your unique needs and goals.

But spaces in this exclusive program are as coveted as they are beneficial, so I've implemented a system to ensure that those who join us are as committed to their transformation as I am to facilitating it.

How you can secure your spot:

I believe in the power of my coaching so strongly, that I want to offer this risk-free opportunity to allow you to explore exactly what it can do for you.

Schedule your Discovery Call
with me today by making a refundable deposit of just $99.

This deposit is your token of commitment, a symbol of your readiness to embark on this life-altering journey.

But it’s more than just a financial transaction; it’s a meaningful step towards a new you.

And should you decide that this path isn't right for you, this deposit is fully refundable.

During your discovery call, you’ll have the opportunity to share your unique challenges and goals. 

It’s a chance for you to delve into the details of the program, understand its methodology, and envision the impact it can have on your life.

This call isn't a sales pitch; it's a heartfelt conversation aimed at understanding you and ensuring that what I offer aligns perfectly with what you need.

Remember, this isn't just any coaching program.

It's a comprehensive, personalised journey. A journey that's transformed lives globally.

The demand for my expertise means that availability is limited, and I can only offer this opportunity to those who are ready to take this transformative step.

Your refundable deposit not only secures your spot but also signifies your commitment to unlocking the full potential of your breath.

Don’t let hesitation hold you back.

The path to a more peaceful, energetic, and fulfilling life is in reach.

This is your personal invitation to explore, to ask, to understand, and to begin a journey like no other.

The power of change is in your hands – and in your breath.

Secure your discovery call now, and let's breathe new life into your world.

Secure Your Discovery Call with Mike Maher

A Limited Opportunity to Transform Your Life:

Embrace the Breath of Change

In the journey towards personal growth and well-being, timing is everything.

Opportunities to truly transform ourselves don't come around often, and when they do, they’re often fleeting.

This is one of those rare moments – a chance to embark on a life-changing journey with the world’s most sought-after breath coach.

I’m offering a unique opportunity, but it's one that's bound by the constraints of time and availability.

To ensure the highest quality of personalised attention and care, I can only accept a limited number of clients.

This isn't just a limitation, it's a commitment to excellence and to providing an unparalleled experience for each individual I work with.

The urgency to act isn’t just about securing a spot, it’s about seizing a moment in your life to make a change that could redefine everything.

It's about not letting another day pass in the shadow of stress, anxiety, and unfulfilled potential. 

It's about stepping forward with purpose and conviction towards a future where every breath brings you closer to the person you aspire to be.

I want to make this decision as rewarding as it is urgent.

For those who act fast, I’ve created something special:

An exclusive bonus session with me after the 6-week program concludes.

This session is an opportunity to consolidate your learning, address any lingering challenges, and set a path for continued growth. It's my way of saying “thank you” for your commitment and belief in the transformative power of my teachings.

This exclusive bonus is more than just an additional session. It's a symbol of my ongoing commitment to your journey.

It ensures that the end of the program is not an end to my support but rather a new beginning in your continued path to wellness and vitality.

Remember, the opportunity to work with me is rare.

This program is your chance to tap into my expertise, receive true guidance, and to become part of a community of individuals who have taken control of their lives through the power of their breath.

The clock is ticking, and the chance to be part of this exclusive group is slipping away.

If you're ready to make a change, if you're ready to breathe new life into your days, the time to act is now.

Secure your spot, claim your bonus session, and embark on a journey that promises not just improvement, but transformation.

Don't Miss Out – Secure Your Spot Now

3 Reasons Why Mike Maher will get you fast, lasting results

Mike has developed a bulletproof coaching program that has proven time and again to get positive lasting results

1. Awareness

Real change begins with a clear understanding of where you are and where you want to be and your desired outcome.

By choosing Mike you'll develop a deeper awareness of your goals and your breath - this is where the magic happens.

2. Practice

Through bespoke breathing exercises and education, you'll gain a deep understanding of the power of change and experience it firsthand.

By the end of the program, you'll have the tools to continue growing and evolving.


3. Accountability

Working with Mike as your coach will not only keep you focused on your goals, but it will also help you achieve lasting change.

No matter how busy your life may be. Invest in your health and well-being with Mike's guidance and expertise

What Are Others Saying?


Life Before Mike vs. Life After Mike:

The Radical Transformation That Awaits You


Before Coaching

Common thoughts my coaching clients have voiced:

  • "I'm constantly affected by stress and anxiety"
  • "I constantly feel like I'm failing to achieve my full potential both professionally and personally"
  • "I feel like my chest is always tight and I struggle to breath deeply"
  • "Out of the 1000s of breathing exercises, I don't know which ones I should do"
  • "My energy levels are always low and I feel fatigued - no matter how well I sleep"
  • "I feel overwhelmed and on the edge of 'burnout'"

After (& During) Coaching

Common thoughts my coaching clients now voice:

  • "I feel calm, focussed, and confident"
  • I'm excelling at work and have more clarity on what I want from my life"
  • "I'm breathing deeply and can fully open my chest and lungs"
  • "I now have total clarity on which proven breathing exercises work best for me"
  • "Not only do I sleep better, but my energy levels remain sky high all day long"
  • "I've finally achieved balance in my work and personal life"

My Zero-Risk 100% Moneyback Promise

I’m so confident that his breath coaching program will help you improve your breathing, well-being, and LIFE - that in the unlikely case you’re not 100% satisfied with your results from participating my coaching, I’ll refund 100% of your money.

Simply contact me within 14 days, providing evidence that you have attended all of our calls and followed all of my advice and instructions, and I’ll issue a full refund, no questions asked.

It might seem bold, but I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. Why? Because I’ve seen how impactful my coaching has been for those clients I’ve worked with before now.

That’s why I call it my ‘Zero-Risk’ Promise.

Secure Your Discovery Call with Mike Maher